Board of Directors

We, as GHI members, elect a nine-member Board of Directors to set policy and make decisions for our cooperative. The Board defines the cooperative's mission, establishes goals, and makes regulations in keeping with the Bylaws and GHI Mission.

The Board's responsibilities include:

  • approving the annual budget;
  • watching over GHI's finances and operations to ensure financial stability;
  • watching over repairs and improvements to our buildings;
  • hiring an independent auditor annually to review our operations;
  • appointing our General Manager;
  • approving memberships and contracts;
  • setting regulations to maintain the health and stability of our cooperative;
  • taking action, when necessary, on member complaints;
  • keeping us informed of current activities and matters important to the future of our cooperative;
  • representing us in the community  and to city, county, and state legislative bodies on issues important to GHI;
  • creating Volunteer Committees and Taskforces for research, outreach, and making recommendations to the Board.

We members are encouraged to attend Board meetings, which are usually held two Thursdays a month, at 7:45 p.m. In the summer months Board meetings are held once a month. Notices and agendas of meetings are posted on the bulletin board outside the administration building and in the Greenbelt CO-OP Supermarket. Notices and agendas are also printed in the Greenbelt News Review. Minutes of meetings are posted on the GHI website as soon as the Board approves the minutes.

Our Board members are elected for two-year terms. The elections are held in May, on the evening of the GHI Annual Membership Meeting and the following day in the GHI Offices on Hamilton Place. If you are interested in running for the Board, you should notify the Nominations & Elections Committee.