XIX. Enforcement Regulation

WHEREAS, the Mutual Ownership contracts between the members of Greenbelt Homes, Inc., and the Bylaws of the Cooperative specify that the members are bound by the regulations of the Cooperative, and

WHEREAS, the regulations of GHI do not allow certain additions, improvements, alterations, or modifications of the member's residence or abutting lot unless it complies with the regulations and the Cooperative's approval in writing is first obtained, and

WHEREAS, the regulations of GHI require that certain levels of maintenance of the dwelling unit, yards, swales, and hedges be maintained by the member to preserve the economic, structural, sanitary, and aesthetic values of the dwelling unit and surrounding premises, and

WHEREAS, that despite these regulations and notification, some members have made alterations, additions, improvements or modifications, and have failed to maintain the levels of maintenance in violation of these regulations or without the approval of the Cooperative first obtained, and

WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Board of Directors of Greenbelt Homes, Inc., that it is necessary and desirable for the management and control of Greenbelt Homes and for the safety, care, cleanliness, and aesthetic values of the dwelling units and surrounding premises, and for the preservation of good order and comfort on the premises, that the regulations not be violated and be observed and complied with, and

WHEREAS, the Cooperative has constantly taken steps to enforce its regulations, a policy which has been affirmed by the court, and

WHEREAS, it is desirable that appropriate procedures to enforce its regulations, be enunciated clearly so that members may be apprised of their rights and obligations, it is, by the Directors

RESOLVED: In the event a member violates a regulation, GHI may give the member: a) not less than five (5) days' notice in writing, when a lawn mowing violation is concerned; or b) not less than ten (10) days' notice in writing, when any other violation is concerned, to correct the violation by bringing the dwelling unit and yard into the proper level of maintenance as established by GHI regulations. In the event the situation is not corrected within the time specified in the aforesaid notice, or an extension of time given by the General Manager at his or her sole option for good cause shown, GHI may, at its sole option, restore the premises, including the dwelling unit and surrounding yard to its original state, or proper level of maintenance, and charge the member thereof with the cost of restoring the unit to its original condition or required level of maintenance.