What is a demising wall?

Though you might have some trouble finding this term in a dictionary, it is used to describe a party, or common, wall.

Wed, 03/23/2011

What is CDX plywood?

Everyday plywood is graded from A to D. Grade A plywood is perfect, with no knotholes. D grade has gaping knotholes.
CDX plywood has a C side and a D side. It's ugly, and less expensive than the better-looking plywood. Exterior-grade plywood, designated by the letter X, will not de-laminate when wet.

Wed, 03/23/2011

What is the origin of the word gazebo?

/g'zi:beu/ a small building, usually in a garden, with a good view.
Early gazebos were often a tower or lantern on the roof of a house, a projecting balcony, or a structure attached to the top of a wall. Only much later was the word applied to a summerhouse, usually one with open sides. To be strict about it, only those edifices with a good view may be given that name; all others are mere shelters.
For more on the entymology of 'gazebo', see Michael Quinion's World Wide Words

Wed, 03/23/2011

What does AHJ stand for?

Authority Having Jurisdiction is usually the county, city, water/sewage authority, or a combination of any of them.

Wed, 03/23/2011

What is the depth of the frost line in Prince George's County?

PG County local amendment §4-247
Footings; Section R-403.1.4, Minimum Depth.
Section R-403.1.4 is amended to read as follows: "Minimum Depth." All exterior footings and foundation systems shall extend below the frost line. All exterior footings shall be placed at Thirty (30) inches below the undisturbed ground.

Wed, 03/23/2011