
Rule Type: 
Board Approval: 

Any revision to the washer drain (standpipe and/or trap) is considered to be a change to the hard piping, and requires a permit; work in this regard may be covered under GHI's washer drain repair program. §515 of WSSC regulations require that a kitchen sink connection of the washer standpipe to the clothes washer shall be above the flood rim level of the sink. §517 of WSSC regulations require that vent terminals maintain specified distances to openings in the home.

GHI stocks replacement parts for Delta® faucets, which are considered standard plumbing items.

Improvements such as replacing an existing laundry tub are considered minor improvements by GHI rules §X.B/55, and do not require a GHI permit, provided that no change to the hard piping (water supply and waste drain) or electrical is involved. However, since a report of work performed under the blanket approval be submitted to the Technical Services Office for permanent record and for member protection in the event of fire loss, and since it would be a benefit to both the member and the cooperative to have GHI maintenance staff inspect and/or repair as necessary the explosed plumbing and electrical utilities within the wall while it is accessible, GHI encourages the filing of a Type II permit for these instances.

Prince George's County: 

Electrical permits are required.

City of Greenbelt: 

Electrical permits are required.

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission: 

Plumbing permits are required.