Dogs and Hot Pavements

Dogs and Hot Pavements


You’ve heard the expression “that sidewalk was hot enough to cook an egg”.  Maryland summers frequently get that hot.  Your dog’s pads may look tough, but on hot summer days they can still be burned on hot surfaces such as roadways or sidewalks just like your feet and mine.  And if they’ve been in swimming with you, the pads become even more susceptible because the water softens up your pup’s pads just as it softens up your skin, making injury even more likely.  If you have to cross surfaces like parking lots, keep in mind that although you have on shoes, sandals, or flip-flops, your pooch doesn’t.  So try not to expose your pet to such surfaces.  Pick him up and carry him if possible, and if not, at least hurry – don’t stop to have a conversation in the middle of a parking lot while your best friend is doing a little dance like water drops on a hot griddle.  One website suggests you test the surface where you plan to walk by placing the palm of your hand on it.  If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet.  For more information, check out the websites below or others to get the scoop.   And just another reminder, if it’s hot enough for you to drag that water bottle with you everywhere you go, if your dog is traveling around with you, he may need a drink, too!