Woodlands - Trail Clean-up

Start Date: 
Sunday, April 18, 2021 - 10:00am
End Date: 
Sunday, April 18, 2021 - 11:00am

Come Out to Care for our Greenbelt Woods - TRAIL CLEANUP  on April 18.


Sunday, April 18th
10:00 am 

GHI Parking lot on Hamilton Place 


A woodland cleanup is being planned for Sunday, April 18 at 10 AM.  We will be clearing trash from the trail - to prepare it for  Earth Day trail hikes being hosted on April 24.  

To participate please meet at the GHI parking lot on Hamilton Place.  


Dress for mud, ticks, and be ready to enjoy 2 hours of caring for our woodlands.  The GHI Woodlands committee will provide gloves, bags and materials as needed.  If you have some of your own supplies, please bring them to facilitate other volunteers’ involvement.

Questions? Contact Susan Barnett 443-388-2961

COVID - 19 Precautions:  

As of this writing (4/8) Prince George’s County remains in Phase 2 of reopening. 

If you are sick or not feeling well, stay home. 

Wear a face mask

Practice physical distancing

Wash your hands when you get home.  You may want to bring your own sanitizer.